Cherie! I loved this so much. I too have the tendency to fall down those random rabbit holes (and have in fact fallen down the "whatever day" one as well. I love the idea of using those days to inspire the writing. I could feel a sense of joy in your writing in this piece because it was you following those trails of curiosity. Oh and my HP House percentages: 37% Hufflepuff, 29% Ravenclaw, 27% Gryffindor, and 7% Slytherin! Happy belated Hufflepuff Day!

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Thank you, Maghan! I'm so glad you liked it, and Happy belated Hufflepuff Day to you too! I know I have some bigger stories to tell, but this one was really just fun and was great to have a completed story in just 3 hours for a change. But I wasn't sure how it would sound outside my head, so I appreciate your feedback!

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Mar 22Liked by Cherie Lee

Just searching "prompts" can open a rabbit hole the size of a crator as so many nifty ones. I like your choice as the daily holidays are entertaining to me, usually one grabs ya. I'd pick Intl Seal Day as read of a seal spitting at an eagle, shocked scientists. And I've been following YT Jim Baird and his brother on a 25 day trip up the Seal River. I struggled about nothing to write about as even set up Substack, CJean "her scatterings" and so overwhelmed deleted it all and just sticking to notes. Your mother's Rabbit Hole is the sweetest ever! Lv, lv, lv!

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Thank you so much, Claire! Hey, I want to read about seals, and you sound like the person to write it! Think about starting again and just going down those rabbit holes! I appreciate your kind words, and Mom will too!

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National Goof day haha!! Love it :) Like the way you write Cherie. So I hope you never stop and do it at your own pace.

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Mar 22·edited Mar 22Author

Thank you so much, Shital! That means the world to me! And thank you for the restack too!

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Great post Cherie! I totally get what you said about being "wanting to do other things" and feeling overwhelmed by your commitment you made to post here every week. I go back and forth with trying to fit "other things" in around Substack, which often seems to overshadow all other things. Each day I tell myself to just do my best.

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Thank you, Pamela! I'm not sure how you keep up with posts every day, but I like that idea of just telling ourselves to do our best!

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Hi Cherie, So many rabbit holes, so little time. As you say there are so many prompts out there that grab my attention.

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Thanks, Janice! YES - so many rabbit holes, so little time! I think that's going to be my writing mantra!

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Cherie, I enjoy your posts so much. It’s like hearing from a friend. As others have said continue writing at your own pace. I have a handyman who could put planks over those rabbit holes.

I applaud all of you that have posted on Substack. You are an inspiration to me.

Great post!

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Oh Monica, thank you so much! I am honored that you enjoy my posts. I just went over and read your first post. I was already subscribed, but somehow I missed it. I think you and I have a similar style and I look forward to reading more!

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Really relate to this Cherie. Sometimes I took am a slow writer. It really depends on my mood and I think art doesn't always follow an upward trajectory or the fastest route. X

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Thank you, Steph! That is very true and I try not to be hard on myself. I am most self-concious, though, at my Monday writing group when others write several pages in 45 minutes and I write a paragraph. I know I shouldn't compare, but I find myself searching for ways to be faster.

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And thank you for the restack!

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I saw it was World Happiness Day and then World Harmony Day last week - I can get onboard with both of those - but I wasn't inspired enough to write about either of them - I leave that to the bloggers who like to write to prompts.....those days are long gone for me. I loved your take on it all though :)

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I agree - I wouldn't want to do it all the time, but it was fun for a change and worked for my purposes this week. Thanks for reading, Leanne!

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I really enjoyed this and I love your mum's rabbit hole.

Maybe you could write weekly but shorter pieces?

Or set aside say a day a week just to write your post? I find the more spare time I have in a week, the longer it takes me to write that week's post.

I think you should try to write something every week to keep up your momentum and the writing muscle really does get flexed and you'll find it will get easier over time.

You also have a lovely, engaging writing style ♥️

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Thank you, Jane! Great point about keeping up momentum and flexing that writing muscle. I hadn't thought about that. Thanks for that tip and the kind words! And the restack! And thanks from Mom too!

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You're welcome. Say hi to your Mom from me. I miss mine so much.

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Mar 23·edited Mar 23Liked by Cherie Lee

What a fun post, Cherie! Happy Whatever Day to you!

I can relate to being a "slow writer" and to the time it takes to post weekly. I've only recently made a commitment to getting something out almost every week. But in order to do that, I am repurposing old material at least once a month (still, I spent at least an hour writing a short intro and outro to today's "old" story 🙄), focusing on book reviews once every two months, and am trying to come up with at least one more "regular" thing so that I'm not working so hard to invent something new.

Funny you should think about these special days, as I just had the same thought...sort of. I was thinking of finding all of the "diverse" people group months (i.e. Black histroy, Women's history, Indigenous people, LGBTQIA+, etc) and making a point of reading a book or two in preparation for each one. That idea is just in my head at the moment, but if I ever find time between writing these posts, I might work on it!

Keep writing!

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Thank you so much, Linda. Oh, that's a great idea - especially reading a book or two first - but a big time commitment! Sounds wonderful from a reader's point of view, though! I will read if you write! I have considered re-posting some of my older posts when my only subscribers where family and friends. That might help make time for some of my longer stories. Happy Whatever Day to you too, and Happy Whatever Month!

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I loved this post, so much fun to read. I can relate to writing taking up a lot of time, it's hard when you've set a commitment to post every week but take some time for yourself to think about what's doable (and enjoyable) for you. Also, I too, am a Hufflepuff, I feel like I'm in good company 😊

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Thank you so much, Anna! From One Hufflepuff To Another, I appreciate your support! ❤️❤️

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Mar 24Liked by Cherie Lee

I too have wondered who is in charge of “Whatever It Is” Day.

That Jackson Brown song is still the official we just got on the interstate to wherever song.

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Thanks, John! Good to know I'm not alone! I agree - gotta love Jackson Browne!

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Fellow Hufflepuff here! I am a slow writer too, but I am really trying to keep “progress over perfection” in mind and just write.

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Good advice, Hufflepuff friend, thanks!

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This was great Cherie! When I worked in TV we often used to use these international days of something or other as brainstorm prompts - and I too wondered who on earth came up with them 🤣 PS my bunny obsessed 10 year old was delighted by that gorgeous Rabbit Hole 💖

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Thanks Vicki, I'm glad you liked it! If you or your 10 year old are crafty - it's a Bucilla felt kit called Sugared Easter Egg, but she made it years ago so I don't know if you could still find it. Mom makes lots of felt wall hangings, ornaments, and stockings, but this is one of my favorites!

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School holidays are coming up so I will definitely see if I can find it, or something similar - can see that being a definite hit 😊

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Thank you for this Cherie! Wow so many Inter/National/World Whatever Days. I did not know. I love writing but I am slow at it. I'm okay with that. I am constantly writing bits and pieces of my thoughts down so I usually pick one and expand on it. I just looked to see that today is National Medal of Honor Day and National Lobster Newburg Day!

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Thanks, Jeanne! It helps so much to know I'm not the only slow writer. I think it's a very good thing I don't do it for a living! My bits and pieces of my thoughts stay in my head, and sometimes I can't find them when I need them. I need to write more down as I think of it!

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I am just shy of 61, too. When is your birthday? Mine is 4/8.

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Mine is this Saturday, March 30. Nice, only 9 days apart!

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Oh, Happy Birthday 🍰 Goanos (just a few hours away)!

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Thanks, Mahesh!

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