Keep walking, keep taking pictures, keep sharing Thanks! See all the surprising little things along your walks. Wonder filled connections....when I look inside the bloom of flower I see so much more than if I just look at the bloom. Sometimes I catch a bee at work. For the past two days I have been watching a mature Monarch caterpillar feasting on a solitary tropical milkweed. Look for my Note posted earlier this morning with a photo.

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Thank you, Gary! I appreciate you pointing me to your note - very cool! There are two bees inside the sunflower, but neither one was moving which was rather disturbing. Yes, it does add a whole new level to our walks which has been so fulfilling! I appreciate your encouragement!

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Such a great idea to take pictures during our walks. We have moved so many houses in past almost four decades and I realised I don’t have photos of any of them. Or of the surroundings. One day we will move out of this home too, and miss the walk that I like so much. I am going to take a leaf out of your hat and start taking photos now.

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That's great, Neera! I'm happy to inspire your own walk photos! Yes, I am the same with all of the other places we have lived - not many photos of the surroundings. Thanks for reading and sharing!

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Great photos and post Cherie! I am glad you dipped your toe in and please keep doing this! Walking and taking photos is an awesome way to get exercise and inspiration!

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It really is, and your photos have been a great inspiration for me! Thanks, Pamela!

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Cherie, you are so welcome, and that is so kind of you to say!

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What a great idea Cherie! And an inspiration. This gives us all more insight into who and where we are in our unique and wonderful worlds. What’s interesting is that the choice of photographic subjects, themselves, may give us insight into how and why we are.

I’m gonna ‘borrow’ your idea I think. We walk a lot here, too, north of Seattle.

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Kert, leave it to you to offer a perspective I hadn't considered. Thanks! Oh good, it makes me happy to think of others photographing their walks too!

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Your Flag walks sound and look lovely. I walk 5 to 6 days a week. Sometimes with my husband and Sometimes by myself. I'm always amazed by what I see. Thanks for sharing. It's good to have you back!

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Thank you, Daria! It is amazing what we see - wish I had been photographing years ago. And I'm happy to be back!

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My husband and I take walks too. Gives us time to check in with one another and slow down the day. I like the idea of taking a photo during each walk.

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Thanks, Kristina! Yes, exactly, it slows down the day and allows for conversations that might otherwise not happen in the busyness of the day!

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Great to see your post today. Taking photographs are a great way to keep those memories. I just wish I’d also put a blurb about who, what, where and when it was taken. The older I get the more that info is helpful. Enjoy your walks.

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Thank you, Monica! Oh yes, I agree. The older we get, the harder it is to remember the details. I like the idea of keeping a little blurb for each pic now so that when we compile the book we can add those comments in, thanks!

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Walks are lovely! I really like that stone which said vote :) good to have you back Cherie.

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Thank you, Shital, good to be back! YES - I love the stone too! It was so tiny in someone's yard, it's amazing we even noticed it. But it was so cool that someone cared enough to paint it and set it outside!

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Aug 11Liked by Cherie Lee

What a great idea! I love that you will end up with a book of all these great memories.

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Thanks, Jesse! I haven't figured out how to do the photo book yet, but I imagine there are lots of options online. At the rate we are going, it may have to be multiple volumes!

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Aug 11Liked by Cherie Lee

I'm a fan of using Blurb myself. I make my photobooks and magazines through them. But there are lots of other options out there as well!

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Oh wonderful, I appreciate that idea and will check out Blurb. Thanks, Jesse!

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What a lovely idea Cherie - and putting them together in a book of memories sounds like a wonderful way to remember your home town when you leave it. My husband and I walk together most afternoons - it's a chance to chat and catch up on each other's day.

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Thanks, Leanne! Yes, it is a great time to chat although recently we chat a lot about the photos we are taking, so hopefully that part starts to come more natural so we get back to other subjects!

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I love the idea of taking pictures on your walks and making them into a photo album. I might steal that from you, Cherie 🫣 I'm already taking pictures and keeping them in the iPhone journalling app. Enjoy your summer.

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Thanks, Jana! Steal away! I love that others have been so enthusiastic about this idea! Same to you, Jana. Summer will be over before we know it.

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Cherie, I love this post. Your pictures give me a feel for your neighborhood and all the beauty that abounds. I find that our phones take pretty good pictures, and you've captured the essence of your walk well. Plus walking is among the best exercises. I can't wait for your next post!

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Thank you, Beth, and for re-stacking my post as well. We are fortunate to live in a very beautiful town. Yes, I'm glad we kept it simple and are just using our phones, and it does help us to get out there more often knowing there are so many scenes we've yet to capture!

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Good pics. I enjoy walking and can imagine the cool Flag weather, with mountains around. Sounds nice.

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Thanks, Geoff! It is definitely cooler than the lower elevations, but still "warm for us" by mid-day. We like to get out early and walk before it warms up and before the monsoon rains come. Won't be long though, and it'll be too cold in the morning so our walks will change to the afternoons. We'll be capturing all the seasons with our photos so that will be fun!

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Gorgeous photos Cherie. Good idea to keep taking photos simple with a phone. I sometimes feel I should use a 'proper' camera, but using a phone is so much easier and the quality is still pretty good.

Preserving memories now, before you move is a brilliant idea. ♥️

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Author

Thanks, Jane! Yes, the fear was that we'd end up forgetting the regular camera and not end up taking many photos!

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Taking pictures that catch your eye is always fun. But don’t forget to journal any memories it triggers and sparked your interest to shoot the picture. This exercise was triggered last year when I was cleaning out my dad’s apartment after moving him to a board and care facility. He had 30 photo albums that I had to consolidate before relinquishing the keys to the landlord. After throwing out dupes (he had many), I brought a shoebox full of photos to my dad and we went through them. Some sparked great memories for him. Some were not as obvious. That’s where a travel log or journal would be fun to look back at.

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Great idea, Kevin! Yes, it's difficult to remember all the details so I appreciate that suggestion! I'm glad you were able to go photos with your Dad. It's so much fun to have those fun reminders of the past.

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I’m not that far away, but life isn’t going to lead me back there.

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Oh no - SORRY! What about coming back for visits?

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I do. I have a good friend that still lives there, and I visit her. Anyway, my doctors are now there😂

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Oh, that's good! Yes, I will feel that way when we move someday. I wasn't born here, but we've been here long enough that it really is home.

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I wasn’t born there either, but my children were. We lived there 12 years. In the “Forties”, does everyone still call it that?? Off Leupp Rd. The checkerboard 40 acres/State Trust land.

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Oh, I'm not sure. I know where Leupp Rd is, but hadn't heard of the 40 acres. How long ago did you leave?

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We’ve been here 14 years now. For the first 4, we still drove back and forth for work.

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Oh my! That gets old. My husband drove to Sedona for over 4 years once. But I guess it's the price to be paid sometimes.

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