Huge heartswell!

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Thank you, Victoria!

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They grow up fast and letters are good to keep as time marches on. I wrote a letter recently to 11 of 14 grandchildren 18 and over. I think it’s posted on Substack. Regular visits when living far away are special times to celebrate

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Thank you, Gary! Yes, I love the idea of letters to him as he grows. I hope to live nearby some day too. I will see out your letter to your grandchildren, thanks for telling me about it!

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Absolutely wonderful!

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Thank you, Maureen!

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In tears! This reminds me of my own beloved grandparents who I miss so, so much 🤍 Such deep and unconditional love.

Absolutely adore this quote because it’s how I feel about my grandparents who are no longer here: “..love travels from us to you just like magic, so you always have our love with you even when we are far, far away.”

Thank you for sharing such a sweet, beautiful moment 🤍

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Thank you so much, Rose! I appreciate you sharing about your unconditional love with your grandparents. I know I'll have many opportunities to express that to our grandson, but for the moment the letters will have to do. It's a pretty incredible feeling!

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I love this! I've always had a really close relationship with my grandparents, there's only my nana left now but myself and my brother used to spend every school holiday with them as they lived on the coast. I've got such fond memories which I'm sure your little munchkin will have of you guys too.

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Thank you, Anna! That is exactly what I am hoping for! It'll be awhile before he can start forming those memories, so thankfully I've got a bit of time to get us moved up there.

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May 10Liked by Cherie Lee

Congratulations! Very excited for you and your entire family! Enjoy grandparenthood!

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Thank you, Diana! I plan too!

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I absolutely love this Cherie, especially the story you tell about how you learned about him. Thank goodness for the miracle of technology so we can stay in touch with our grandchildren from afar!!

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Thank you, Deb! Exactly - how would we manage without cell phones and Zoom?!

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It’s only after I became a grandparent that I wondered how hard it must have been for my father being so far away from my daughter during her life. My hearts hurts a little at the thought. Enjoy that sweet baby boy virtually until you can love him up in person!!

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My Oma heart swelled up in love reading this. Love love love!!

You and your munchkin will be such good buddies.

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Thank you, Tracy! I appreciate your kindness! I sure hope so!

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Congratulations to you and the whole family!

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Thank you, Ilona!

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Cherie, congratulations! Being a grandparent is the best. I’m so excited for you and your new journey in your life starting with Munchkin.

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Thank you, Monica! I am so excited, too! It's been a long wait - they've been married almost 8 years!

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How can l say this sweetly without sounding insincere: by the time they reach the age of 10, you wonder if it wouldn’t be preferable to send them away to the grandparents for intervention.

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Ha - I'm familiar with that stage! I can handle it!

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Grandbabies are such an unexpected joy - and God's blessing for all the hard work that went into raising their parents! Enjoy all those baby snuggles when the time comes and congrats to all the family - such a special time!

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Thank you, Leanne! Oh yes, I will enjoy the snuggles!

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Can feel your happiness Cherie!!

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Thanks, Shital!

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Heartwarming and loved so much 🙏🏼💕💕🙂

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Thank you, Denise!

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I was hoping you'd tell us about your new Grandson! I felt the love reading your post. "Love doesn't need a plane to travel far, far away." You're right. Love is magic. Thank you for sharing this. I look forward to reading more about your little Munchkin!

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Thank you, Daria! Yes, I think it would be fun to write stories to him every now and then. I appreciate your support!

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May 11Liked by Cherie Lee

This is so incredibly adorable!

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Thank you, Jane!

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